Saturday, April 13, 2013

Effects of the Revolution

A revolution causes very dramatic changes among a nation in their political system economies and ideologies. A nation wanting a new system or like most countries do they fight for freedom and liberty. This was that took upon 1775 took much effect on native americans, women and slaves. Many radical changes were made.

The women were known to be a stay at-home mothers. Meaning they were only entitled to do so, couldn't vote or work like the men were able to. When the war erupted they were able to engage themselves to prove that they weren't just able to work at home. Since the men had to go to war and fight women had to work to organize the home, the farm,the business and let their sons go fight along side their fathers. After the revolutionary war ended changes were made it took years for women to established their own freedom. For example Abigail Adams, John Adams wife wrote a letter to him saying to not forget the women when writing the first articles of confederation. He didn't pay much attention to her since it was considered that women were still second class citizens when it came to talking about political and civil status. Many women did remarkable stuff that should have gained them the power ti have more freedom right and make them as equal as men. Even though women worked hard at the home front after the revolutionary war not much changes were made. At one point New Jersey did accept to women voting. For instance, they got a name for their hard work. They also received the right that if they were widowed they could be able to own all of the estate that their husband had. Women today are known to be independent human beings in modern day era.

African American:
African American can be considered as slaves through the time of the revolutionary war. Some took part on the british side in hope for freedom and other stayed with the patriots fighting just as hard. Before the revolution African American slaves were brain washed into thinking that there was no hope ever of them having their own freedom. Thats why when the war ended things started to heat up a little bit. They wanted written laws that gave them rights, like men. They wanted to be just as equal as patriots would say everyone was equal. Part of the american slaves did receive freedom but others did achieve freedom for at-least another 30 years. As well as some wealthy patriots did let go of their slaves and set them free from own will (Maryland and Virginia were known to have those specific cases). There did exist s point were the united states was as you can say divided into to parts, one were slaves could have the chance and opportunity of freedom and other side were it was very scarcely to obtain it. Which later on gave a lot of internal dilemmas.

Native Americans
Native Americans did fight. As the story says that most of them took on the British side of the war. They fought just as hard as everyone else did, they wanted to keep their land and be included in territory ownership. As the Revolutionary war ended, they were lied to didn't receive anything that was promised to them. Indian matters were reserved for federal government and congress was in charge of dealing with what ever was to happen to the Indians. Their land was taken away, Indians were lied and cheated on. Most of them went onto living in reservation on lands not worthy of American Citizens.