Monday, March 11, 2013

General William Howe

One important British general during these Revolutionary War. William Howe was born on August 10 of 1729, in England. Howe was uncle of King George the Third; he was the King during the Revolutionary war. Before they sent Howe to fight to the war, he was nice to the colonist, but he had this big problem, that as a soldier he had to fight against them. Howe came as a Major General to the colonies on May 25 of 1775. When he landed he starts attacking Breed’s Hill. This battle became known as the Battle of Bunker Hill. General Howe knew how to maintain his troops well, in this war Americans fought bravely, but still the British won.

William Howe became a full General in October, 1775, and he became a temporary Commander of the British Army in the 13 colonies. George Washington won the Dorchester Heights battle, here was when he overlooked Boston Harbor, and started observing the British, so General Howe ordered his troops and sent them back to Canada until they could attack again.

Was in 1776 that, General William Howe and his troops began the battle for New York City. They landed on Staten Island on July, and in August they fought against George Washington in the Battle of Long Island. The British won the battle. One of the biggest victories of the General Howe was the important battle of White Plains against George Washington. General Howe and his troops captured Fort Lee, New Jersey, across the river from New York City. British captured all New York City. Howe stay in New York, he didn’t fight in 1777, but in the battle of Brandywine he beat George Washington taking over Philadelphia. He retired on 1778 and he sailed back to England. He finally died on July 12, 1814

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