Friday, January 25, 2013

Tarring and Feathering


    Tarring and feathering was a punishment that the Patriots used against the british officials that collected the taxes. There was a new tax law that the British input; this was called the " Stamp Act". The patriots were against this law, they thought about this punishment that now it was going to be used as a weapon. They start doing this punishment to all the taxes collectors. Without to much waiting there were no more taxes collectors to be seen because they were afraid of the patriots.

       As we just explain "tarring and feathering" was a type of punishment. First, what they would do was that they stripped the victim by his waste. Second, a hot tar was poured into the person. Third, feathers were thrown to the victim or they put him into a pile of feathers, and those feathers got stuck to the tar. Later on the patriots took the victim in a parade all around the town, so that they would feel humiliated. There were occasions in which they would shaved their heads and did the tarring and feathering just to there head. To more violent punishments, they would be so evil that they held a match and they put the victim on fire.

         The first victim that suffered this was a Captain named William Smith but after they tarred and feathered William they dumped him into a harbor of Virginia. A vessel took him out of the water just before he was about to die. He survived and after all this had happened he said this following words "...they dawbed my body and face all over with tar and afterwards threw feathers on me." Victims would suffer a lot, but the patriots were determined to take away taxes and tax collectors away.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Stamp Act

             The Parliament decided to use stamp taxes. Stamp taxes were levied on paper goods, documents, everything printed and similar items. The tax was collected and a tax stamp was shown with the item and that indicated that it was paid fairly. Stamp acts had been a very successful method of taxation within Great Britain. It generated over £100,000 in tax revenue with very little in collection expenses, a document without the required stamp would be null and void under British law.

             Opposition began to form by the colonies and other places. The discussion of this method of taxation had been discussed the following year and it was taken as a part of the Sugar Act. The colonies were concerned about this situation especially the colonial leaders because it was the first internal tax to be levied on the colonies. This situation was viewed for the Parliament as a lesson for the colonial courts.

            The Committees of Correspondence, the Sons Of Liberty, and the system of boycotts were to be used later in protest against future Britain taxes as they were used in the Stamp Act. Then the taxation without representation was used as a key part for the colonial protests. The Stamp Act along with other future taxes helped the colonies through the path of the American Revolution.  

Samuel Adams

                The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks -Samuel Adams

             Samuel Adams wasborn on September 27 1722 in Boston, Massachusetts. He died on October 2, 1803at the age of 81. Samuel was able to accomplish a lot in in his life legacy. Hewas an American statesman, philosopher and one the founding fathers of theunited states of American. He was also a second cousin of President John Adams.Samuel was raised in a political active family, as well as very dedicated totheir religion. Graduating at Harvard College, the career he was to persuadewhen he go out of college didn't do so well for him as to that is when he movedhis life goals to the political life. Before being a politician he was a taxcollector that took up almost twelve years of his life and unsuccessfulbusiness man. Samuel Adams us one the most controversial figures of AmericanHistory.

            People and close mates to him wereto always said that his head and heart was always set on politics, even thoughhe had had tried to accomplish other positions he didn't do as well as he hadthen with politics. He was in office from 1766-1797 in total for all his spotsin the government. The positions that he obtained included clerk of the MassachusettsHouse of Representatives, delegate from Massachusetts to the continentalcongress, third lieutenant governor of Massachusetts and fourth governor of Massachusetts.Samuel later became one the leaders of the American Revolution Movement that aswell to this day is what made the United States of America possible. He wasalso very involved in the cultural structure of America.

            This man stands in history becauseof several much played out accomplishments that helped build the united statesof what it is this present day. Including the leadership in the American Revolutionand the Boston tea party that helped the people stand and fight for theirrights and what they believed was truly fair. It is an honor for American’s tohold this man in their history to state and know that there were people willingto fight for the rights and that shouldn't stop anybody today.

The Boston Tea Party

We're going toparty like its 1773!

In Boston onDecember 16 1773 the Boston tea party was remembered in history as being one ofthe most iconic moments in American history. Another named that was alsoconsidered was known as the destruction of tea. This so called party was to bestated as a rebellion act done by the sons of liberty as a political protestagainst the tax policy of the British East India Company and the BritishGovernment. They wanted no taxes, after they had taken all of the taxes awaybut still leaving the Tea Act it made them angry and lead them to decide thatdecisions needed to be make and actions needed to be done if they wanted thisto end.

            The tea act meant that colonistwould be going to be taxed directly from the British East India Company. Even thoughit would be cheaper, colonist still believed in taxation without representationand wanted no taxing on them for absolutely anything. After fighting andfighting this only made them more upset to know that the British government didnot understand what there defending attacks really meant to them, being able tohave their own representation. 342 trunks of tea were dumped into the Bostonharbor.

            Lead by Samuel Adams, with pride todefend the constitutional rights the people he and the rights that he defended werepublicized. Everyone needed to be informed and see what was going on. Thismoment needed to be known as a protest rather than an angry mob trying to dosome mischief. These men known as the sons of liberty dressed up as MohawkIndians taking three ships under their control to throw the tea into the Bostonharbor. Later on the men who had threw all of the tea into the harbor were notrecognized due to the fact they were disguised and were not to be completelyrecognized, no punishments were done.