Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Stamp Act

             The Parliament decided to use stamp taxes. Stamp taxes were levied on paper goods, documents, everything printed and similar items. The tax was collected and a tax stamp was shown with the item and that indicated that it was paid fairly. Stamp acts had been a very successful method of taxation within Great Britain. It generated over £100,000 in tax revenue with very little in collection expenses, a document without the required stamp would be null and void under British law.

             Opposition began to form by the colonies and other places. The discussion of this method of taxation had been discussed the following year and it was taken as a part of the Sugar Act. The colonies were concerned about this situation especially the colonial leaders because it was the first internal tax to be levied on the colonies. This situation was viewed for the Parliament as a lesson for the colonial courts.

            The Committees of Correspondence, the Sons Of Liberty, and the system of boycotts were to be used later in protest against future Britain taxes as they were used in the Stamp Act. Then the taxation without representation was used as a key part for the colonial protests. The Stamp Act along with other future taxes helped the colonies through the path of the American Revolution.  

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