Friday, January 25, 2013

Tarring and Feathering


    Tarring and feathering was a punishment that the Patriots used against the british officials that collected the taxes. There was a new tax law that the British input; this was called the " Stamp Act". The patriots were against this law, they thought about this punishment that now it was going to be used as a weapon. They start doing this punishment to all the taxes collectors. Without to much waiting there were no more taxes collectors to be seen because they were afraid of the patriots.

       As we just explain "tarring and feathering" was a type of punishment. First, what they would do was that they stripped the victim by his waste. Second, a hot tar was poured into the person. Third, feathers were thrown to the victim or they put him into a pile of feathers, and those feathers got stuck to the tar. Later on the patriots took the victim in a parade all around the town, so that they would feel humiliated. There were occasions in which they would shaved their heads and did the tarring and feathering just to there head. To more violent punishments, they would be so evil that they held a match and they put the victim on fire.

         The first victim that suffered this was a Captain named William Smith but after they tarred and feathered William they dumped him into a harbor of Virginia. A vessel took him out of the water just before he was about to die. He survived and after all this had happened he said this following words "...they dawbed my body and face all over with tar and afterwards threw feathers on me." Victims would suffer a lot, but the patriots were determined to take away taxes and tax collectors away.

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