Thursday, January 24, 2013

Samuel Adams

                The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks -Samuel Adams

             Samuel Adams wasborn on September 27 1722 in Boston, Massachusetts. He died on October 2, 1803at the age of 81. Samuel was able to accomplish a lot in in his life legacy. Hewas an American statesman, philosopher and one the founding fathers of theunited states of American. He was also a second cousin of President John Adams.Samuel was raised in a political active family, as well as very dedicated totheir religion. Graduating at Harvard College, the career he was to persuadewhen he go out of college didn't do so well for him as to that is when he movedhis life goals to the political life. Before being a politician he was a taxcollector that took up almost twelve years of his life and unsuccessfulbusiness man. Samuel Adams us one the most controversial figures of AmericanHistory.

            People and close mates to him wereto always said that his head and heart was always set on politics, even thoughhe had had tried to accomplish other positions he didn't do as well as he hadthen with politics. He was in office from 1766-1797 in total for all his spotsin the government. The positions that he obtained included clerk of the MassachusettsHouse of Representatives, delegate from Massachusetts to the continentalcongress, third lieutenant governor of Massachusetts and fourth governor of Massachusetts.Samuel later became one the leaders of the American Revolution Movement that aswell to this day is what made the United States of America possible. He wasalso very involved in the cultural structure of America.

            This man stands in history becauseof several much played out accomplishments that helped build the united statesof what it is this present day. Including the leadership in the American Revolutionand the Boston tea party that helped the people stand and fight for theirrights and what they believed was truly fair. It is an honor for American’s tohold this man in their history to state and know that there were people willingto fight for the rights and that shouldn't stop anybody today.

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