Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Boston Tea Party

We're going toparty like its 1773!

In Boston onDecember 16 1773 the Boston tea party was remembered in history as being one ofthe most iconic moments in American history. Another named that was alsoconsidered was known as the destruction of tea. This so called party was to bestated as a rebellion act done by the sons of liberty as a political protestagainst the tax policy of the British East India Company and the BritishGovernment. They wanted no taxes, after they had taken all of the taxes awaybut still leaving the Tea Act it made them angry and lead them to decide thatdecisions needed to be make and actions needed to be done if they wanted thisto end.

            The tea act meant that colonistwould be going to be taxed directly from the British East India Company. Even thoughit would be cheaper, colonist still believed in taxation without representationand wanted no taxing on them for absolutely anything. After fighting andfighting this only made them more upset to know that the British government didnot understand what there defending attacks really meant to them, being able tohave their own representation. 342 trunks of tea were dumped into the Bostonharbor.

            Lead by Samuel Adams, with pride todefend the constitutional rights the people he and the rights that he defended werepublicized. Everyone needed to be informed and see what was going on. Thismoment needed to be known as a protest rather than an angry mob trying to dosome mischief. These men known as the sons of liberty dressed up as MohawkIndians taking three ships under their control to throw the tea into the Bostonharbor. Later on the men who had threw all of the tea into the harbor were notrecognized due to the fact they were disguised and were not to be completelyrecognized, no punishments were done.

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